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搜尋參考資料: 1. Tweets with replies by L. That is all. (@L) | Twitter The latest Tweets and replies from L. That is all. (@L). Go Away. Please. I want to be alone. Here, there and everywhere. 2. L - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In English orthography, 'l' usually represents the phoneme /l/, which can have several sound values, depending on whether it occurs before or after a vowel. 3. L'Oréal, world leader in beauty: makeup, cosmetics, haircare ... Official website of the cosmetics manufacturer enables job or an internship searches online, brand information. 4. L-com | Ethernet Cable | WiFi Amplifier | Adapter | Wireless | Coaxial L-com offers high quality Ethernet cable, data cable, adapters, WiFi amplifiers, WiFi antennas, and wireless connectivity products at an unbeatable value. 5. Makeup Products and Brands | L'Oréal Paris Discover our makeup products for all skin types. Find makeup for eyes, face, lipstick, nail polish, and more from L'Oréal Paris. 6.【L&P 美迪惠爾】蝸牛極致保濕S.O.S面膜(買10片送5片_共15片)~momo特價網 【L&P 美迪惠爾】蝸牛極致保濕S.O.S面膜(買10片送5片_共15片),L&P Beauty Clinic,品牌總覽(A-Z),韓流美妝館,美妝 |
商品品牌:L&P 美迪惠爾 商品名稱:蝸牛極致保濕S.O.S面膜 保存期限:3年 適用膚質:各種肌膚,乾性肌膚 商品規格:25 ml+3 ml*10片 送5片_共15片 妝廣字號:北市衛妝廣字第10311530號 目的功效:保濕,滋潤修護 |
資料來源:momo購物網 |